ED & F Man Liquid Products UK
ED&F Man is a specialist merchant of agricultural commodities, trading specifically in sugar, molasses and coffee. Founded in 1783 we are the market leader in our chosen commodities. We specialise in sourcing, processing, marketing, distribution, transport and risk management of these products.

ED&F Man Liquid Products UK Limited
We are the leading supplier of molasses and liquid products for animal feed, fermentation and other industrial uses. We specialise in the sourcing, shipping, storage and distribution of molasses, molasses blends and liquid products. Innovation, efficient logistics, quality control and service, makes ED&F Man Liquid Products the number one choice in the bulk supply of molasses blends and related liquid products to feed manufacturers, farmers and industrial users.
ED&F Man Terminals UK Limited
With deep water terminals located at three key locations across the UK, we offer third party bulk liquid storage and a range of associated services backed by ED&F Man’s commitment to quality, service and value.
ED&F Man Agronomy
ED&F Man have developed a range of nutrient products based around the use of Carbon Complex. The carbohydrate structures complement the natural activity of soil biology, whilst giving a buffer to optimise uptake across the plant cell structure. Many of the products are developed from natural plant extracts to minimise disturbance to natural soil activity, whilst a high carbon content drives nutrient cycling by soil bacteria.