Get In Touch
Wanting to make a payment or have a question about your order? Get in touch with us by phone or send us a message and one of the team will get back to you.
Message Us
Contact Number
Call our main line and select the appropriate option:
Option 1: Transport Team
Option 2: Terminal Accounts Team
Option 3: Liquid Products Accounts Team
Option 4: Sales Team
Regional Contacts
Contact InformationLiverpool
Commercial Manager
Angela Sutherby
+44 (0)7957 642669
+44 (0)151 944 3933
Contact InformationAvonmouth
Commercial Manager
Danielle Goatley
+44 (0)7710 075824
+44 (0)1179 827071

Contact InformationGrangemouth
Commercial Manager
Richard Dobson
+44 (0)7764 344716
+44 (0)1324 472237
Contact InformationHull
Commercial Manager
Angela Sutherby
+44 (0)7957 642669
+44 (0)151 944 3933
Contact InformationNutritionist
Technical Support Manager
Georgina Chapman
+44 (0)7485 192774
General Information
Contact InformationVisit the team at today’s @AgriScot and learn how molasses blends can benefit you this Winter!
Enjoy a cuppa and delicious homemade cow biscuit or cake!!
🏴Only 1 week to go until @AgriScot🏴
📆Wednesday 13th November
📍Royal Highland Centre, Highland Hall, stand 90
🔸Make the most of homegrown feeds
🔸Drive Dry Matter Intakes
🔸Reduce ration sorting
🔸Wide range of molasses blends for dairy, beef & sheep
☑️Highly palatable
☑️Drive cow visits to robots
☑️Increase milk yields
☑️Easy to handle
☑️Cost effective source of sugars
☑️Banana flavouring
☑️Available in ibcs from 1mt
Find out more here ➡️
Great video and product from our US sister company @WestwayFeed
Welcome to the team Ken!
Have you heard about The Glyco Range?
🚀Glycerine combined with molasses to supply multiple energy sources
🚀High energy
🚀Highly palatable, digestible & fermentable
🚀Cost effective
🚀Ideal for high yielding dairy cows
🚀Available from 1mt to 29mt
#molasses #winterfeeding
Check out ED&F Man’s latest Newsletter!
#molasses #liquidfeed
August 2024 Market Update | ED&F Man Liquid Products UK
With global tensions showing no sign of easing commodity markets remain volatile. There are still freight issues aro...
We’re @UKDairyDay on stand H164 today!
ED&F Man are supporting @FCNcharity who help support the farming community through difficult times.
Come and grab a cow print cap for a donation to this great cause! 🐄 🧢
#DairyDayUK #FCN @FCNFarmWell
We’re all set up for @UKDairyDay tomorrow @TICTelford!
Meet the team on stand H164, visit us to learn the benefits of molasses blends this Winter!