Latest Updates

Latest Updates2024-05-16T08:19:08+01:00

British Dairying


In the face of rising purchased feed prices, making full and effective use of grass for both grazing and conservation will be vital to help maintain margins. According to

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Market Update


We continue to see strong demand for our molasses blends, given the excellent value they represent. This is especially true for higher protein options. With both soya and rape

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Festive Special


2020 has been a tough year and it is easy to focus on the negatives. However, as a sector, the livestock industry should be proud of itself. UK production

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Market Update


After a number of back to back price rises, we are now seeing winter molasses blend prices stabilise, and in some cases come back from where they are today.

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D C A B Fact Sheet


Good nutrition and management in the dry period is a major challenge but getting it right can help to minimise calving problems and early lactation metabolic disorders. The level

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