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Latest Updates2024-05-16T08:19:08+01:00

Market Update


We are in very unusual circumstances with the Covid-19 pandemic, having a dramatic effect on all aspects of daily life. It is also impacting on global trade in terms

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Grazing Snapshot


Grazed grass has high levels of rumen degradable protein (RDP) which must be balanced with rapidly fermentable energy in order to be utilised, the rapidly growing grasses also present

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Fresh Guard Snapshot


TMR’s can start to heat especially when exposed to warm weather, fed out shortly after ensiling or feeding a high proportion of moist feeds The heating is caused by

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Protein Snapshot


ED&F Man High Protein Liquid Feeds: Cost effective Protein and your sugars for FREE ED&F Man’s high protein liquid feeds have been shown to nutritionally replace conventional protein sources

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Magnesium Snapshot


Ruminants depend on a daily dietary supply of magnesium, around 35g per day During spring, the supply of magnesium in fresh grass is low and inhibited by potassium-containing fertilisers

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Market Update


Market Update: The molasses market remains firm and major global uncertainties are likely to keep it that way for some time 1. Ocean freight has firmed due to the

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Market Update


With intense media focus on agriculture and livestock production in particular, it is vital our industry continues to work towards reduced environmental impact. To this end, ED&F Man is

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